Print menu and navigation pane
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Print menu
The Print menu lets you print or view over 300 customizable reports. You can also build new ones.
What the options do**
Rerun last report... (Shortcut F7) - Click to rerun the report that was just generated.
Person... - Click to access the various reports of the Person module, e.g. employee list.
Job - Click to access the various reports of the Job module, e.g. employee history or list of movements.
Positions... - Click to access the various reports of the Positions module, including the organizational chart or list of applications for a position.
Events - Click to access the various reports of the Events module, e.g. list of events or schedules.
Health, Safety... - Click to access the various reports of the Health, Safety module, e.g. accident list.
Training... - Click to access the various reports of the Training submodule, e.g. list of employee skills.
Attendance... - Click to access the various reports of the Attendance module, e.g. absence calendar or time bank balances.
Gross pay... - Click to access the various reports of the Gross pay module, e.g. lists of attendance transactions, time sheets and records of employment.
Net pay... - Click to access the various reports of the Net pay module, e.g. union dues, direct deposits and payroll files.
Benefits... - Click to access the various reports of the Benefits module, e.g. lists of plans, enrollments, premiums, deductions and coverage.
Staffing... - Click to access the various reports of the Staffing module, e.g. job opening and applicants lists.
Schedules... - Click to access the various reports of the Schedules module, e.g. lists of employee availability or lists of staffing requirements for a location.
Organization... - Click to access the various organization reports, e.g. list of counters, employment equity lists and organizational charts.
System... - Click to access the various reports of the System module, e.g. list of past and future alarms, and information on the system.
Labels... - Click to print labels pertaining to employees.
Word processing... - Click to merge with Microsoft Word and print letters for employees selected.
Page layout - The page layout is only available when you make changes to a report.
Navigation pane
The navigation pane covers the items of the Print menu. View the items that are displayed with the images or
Navigation pane
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 01/13/23