Getting Started
Guided Tour
Guided tour : The Data base
Guided tour : The Umana program
Walk-through 1: Hire a new employee
Walk-through 2: Add a change to Employment History
User interface
Menu bar, navigation pane and toolbar
System menu
Edit menu
Tools menu
Data menu and navigation pane
Action menu and toolbar
Print menu and navigation pane
Window menu
Help menu
Shared data
Context menus
Keyboard shortcuts
Attaching documents
[x] Check-boxes of data
Implementing Umana
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Every rule has an exception
Payroll Concepts. Gross vs Net
Hours.Decimals vs Hours:Minutes
Data relationships and Automation
Supervision and Reporting relationships
Vacation Management
Remuneration: Concepts
Probation periods
Scheduling, Work planning
Watches, Date rules, Counters, Alarms
Your company
Technical support in your company
Hiring an employee
Terminating an employee
Giving an increase
Year-end procedures
Your time sheet
Doing payroll
Hire an employee: process
Terminate an employee: process
Labour relations: process
Payroll process
Payroll process - (New)
Prepay tool
Payroll Check List
Balancing the pay
Updating after Payroll (external pay interface)
Payroll: visual overview
Printing cheques
Control reports
Direct bank deposits
Printing pay stubs
ESS pay reports
G/L (General Ledger) export
Salary increases
Cost-of-living increases
Service pay increases
System Administration
Prepare for the new tax year
Employee Tax slips: T4, Relevé 1, etc.
Configuring year-end forms
Calculation rules for T4, T4A, RL1 boxes
Setting up Transmitter information
Federal XML Transmitter
Quebec XML Transmitter
Steps to follow for Year end
Importing Year-end adjustments
Yearend Reports
T4 Reports
Releve 1 Reports
Special Provincial reports
Workman"s Compensation Reports
CARRA (Quebec)
QUEBEC Workforce Skills Development and Recognition
How to balance Yearend
Producing XML file and transmitting to govt agency
Producing and transmitting T4 XML file
Producing and transmitting R1 XML file
T4 and R1 summaries and remittances
New payroll calendar year
Year end info on the web
Absence planner: module
Requesting an absence
Alarms: module
Alarms: input screen
Dated alarms
Benefits: module
Benefits: concepts
Benefits: HR- vs Payroll- driven
Benefits: Optional enrollment
Benefit plans: input screen
Benefits: input screen
Counters: Rule definition window
Counters: Calculation of totals
Date rules
Dated expressions
Employment history (JOBHIST): module
Employment history: concepts
Employment history: input screen
Remuneration fields on JOBHIST
Terminations in Employment History
Temporary assignments
End-of-day movements
Events: module
Events: input screen
General Ledger distribution: concepts
General Ledger distribution: input screen
Gross pay - Attendance detail (TIMEDT): module
Attendance detail and gross pay: input screen
Salary generation
RECUR.XLSX - Importing recurring transactions
HOW-TO - Gross pay (TIMEDT)
Health and safety: module
Medical file: submodule
Accidents: module
Accidents: input screen
Job table
Job: concepts
Jobs: input screen
Net pay (PAYDT) module
Net pay calculation
Payroll info: Employee: input screen
Net pay: employee detail window
How the net pay works
Finalizing a temporary pay
CRA account numbers. EMPRNO table
DEDSTAT + Tax calculations
Options: module
Pay calendar
Person: module
Person selection dialog box
Person: input screen
Positions: module
Positions: concepts
Position search dialog box
Positions: input screen
Punch clocks
Reference tables
Table administration
Use-When conditions
TBL: ABSENCE - Absence reasons
TBL: ACSTAT - Accident CSST or WCB status
TBL: AMTOPT - Amount pay options
TBL: APTYPE - Applicant Type
TBL: ATYPE - Accident type
TBL: BANKID - Canadian Banks
TBL: BCAT - Benefit type or category
TBL: BUDGET - Budget year and revision
TBL: CARRADA - CARRA: Annual declaration
TBL: CARRIER - Insurance Carrier
TBL: CAUSE - Causes
TBL: CITIZEN - Countries
TBL: CITY - City
TBL: CMA - Census Metropolitain Area
TBL: COMBTYP - Requisition source
TBL: COMPANY - Company (pay portal)
TBL: COUADMISS - Admissible costs
TBL: CPSTAT - Status sought by candidate
TBL: CRTYPE - Course Type for SQDM
TBL: CSSTCAT - CSST or WCB classification
TBL: CSTAT - Candidate Status
TBL: CURR - Currency
TBL: CYCLE - Pay Cycle
TBL: DAYPART - Part of the day
TBL: DEDSTAT - Statutory Deductions
TBL: DEPART - Departure Reason
TBL: DPTYPE - Role (in relation to employee)
TBL: ECLASS - Event Class
TBL: EDUC - Education, Certtif
TBL: EMPRNO - Rev Canada Business num (EI)
TBL: ETATCIV - Marital Status
TBL: ETYPE - Event Type
TBL: EVAL - Evaluation
TBL: FLAG - Flag- errors and follow-up
TBL: GLGRP - GL group
TBL: GRADE - Grade
TBL: GRAVITY - Accident Severity Index
TBL: HANDICAP - Handicap
TBL: INJURY - Injury Type
TBL: JACTION - Movement type
TBL: JOBCAT - Job Category
TBL: JSTAT - Employment status
TBL: LANG - Language
TBL: LEVEL - Skill level
TBL: LICENSE - Driver licence class
TBL: LIMB - Body Part
TBL: LOCN - Location
TBL: MEDIA - Publications
TBL: MINORITY - Minority
TBL: MISCBANK - Misc Bank Adjustments
TBL: OPTION - Options for benefits
TBL: PACTION - Position movement reason
TBL: PAE1 - Que Equal Access Program (1)
TBL: PAE2 - Que Equal Access Program (2)
TBL: PAYCALC - Tax calculation method
TBL: PAYGRP - Payroll Group
TBL: PAYREAS - Reason for a pay code
TBL: PERIOD - Pay period
TBL: PHTYPE - Phone type
TBL: POCC - Position: How occupied
TBL: POSRC - Position source
TBL: POSTAT - Position status
TBL: POTYPE - Position Type
TBL: PRIME - Premiums
TBL: PROF - Professors
TBL: PROFASS - Professional association
TBL: PROJECT - Project
TBL: PROVINCE - Province
TBL: PSTAT - Personal status
TBL: RELATN - Relation
TBL: RELEVE1 - Relevé 1 box control
TBL: RELEVE3 - Relevé 3 box control
TBL: REOCCUR - Reccurence type
TBL: RESOURCE - Resources
TBL: RESP - Responsility
TBL: ROEOTHER - ROE Other monies
TBL: ROEREAS - R.O.E. departure reason
TBL: ROOM - Room (Training, interviews)
TBL: RQREAS - Reason for open job position
TBL: RQSTAT - Requisition Status
TBL: SCHOOL - School
TBL: SENCAT - Seniority category
TBL: SENRULE - Seniority Calculation Rules
TBL: SEX - Sex
TBL: SIC - Standard Industry Codes
TBL: SKILL1 - Skill(1)
TBL: SKILL2 - Skill(2)
TBL: SKILL3 - Skill(3)
TBL: SKILL4 - Skill(4)
TBL: SKILLREQ - Skill importance
TBL: SOURCE - Source
TBL: STEPNM - Selection step names
TBL: T4 - T4 box control
TBL: T4A - T4A box control
TBL: T5 - T5 box control
TBL: TASK - Task
TBL: TIMEBANK - Time Banks
TBL: TIMEOPT - Hours Worked
TBL: TIMETYPE - Attendance/Pay record type
TBL: TLEVEL - Task complexity level
TBL: TRACK - Career Track
TBL: TRISK - Risk level
TBL: TRNCOST - Training costs
TBL: UNION - Union code
TBL: WATCH - Dates to watch
Remuneration: module
Remuneration: Building your RATE table
Remuneration plans
Rate table: input screen
Pay rate when peforming a differnt job
Roles and Responsibilities
Scheduling and Work planning
Fixed Schedules: module
Schedules: input screen
Holiday calendar
Work planner
Skills development: module
Employee skills: submodule
Skills and career: input screen
Staffing Module
Structure: module
ENTITY1: input screen
ENTITY2: input screen
Time banks: module
Time banks: concepts
One bank, different: balances
Time banks: units
Time banks: Reference year
Time banks: Annual roll-over
Time banks: Window
Time banks: how to use
Time banks: plans
Timesheets: module
Training: module
Courses and groups: concepts
Courses: enroll interested persons...
Courses and groups: input screen
Courses: enroll selected employees...
Users: module
Users: input screen
Users: Logon authentication
Reports, imports and exports
Printing / viewing a report
Order selection dialog
Emailing a report
Managing report favourites
Umana Standard reports
Customizing and creating reports
Data import
Import: raises (movements)
Import: TIMEDT (Attendance detail)
Data export
Creating or modifying an export
Exporting to the General Ledger
Interface to external payroll (netpay)
Tools and wizards
Apply new rates (raises) to employees
Termination wizard
Updating positions according to employee
Benefits - Wizard
Benefits - Enroll eligible employees...
Benefits - Update enrollments...
Mass changes
Mass changes: employment history
Mass changes: person
Expressions generator - Tools
Umana functions
Troubleshooting, Debugging tools
Maintenance - Maintenance tools
Retroactive pay
Record of employment
HOW-TO - ROE (Record of employement)
Accessing Umana Suppport
Sending Tickets
Developer and IT info
Nightly batch process
Installation on work station
Symcod punch clocks
Expressions and Functions
Function: IIF
Function: SENIOR
Data base
Source code
Attached Documents