The Person module contains all the information identifying a person. All employees are included, whether they are active, inactive, terminated or on contract. The information contained is personal, and is independent of the person's status in the company, e.g. name, sex, birth date.
Each person is identified with a unique identifier with a maximum number of six digits. This number is used throughout Umana to identify this person.
The data comes from the PERS file, which contains one record per person.
- There is only a single record per employee in the PERS file. It should therefore be created before any other information on an employee is entered.
If you delete the record from the PERS file, the person's entire file and history will be deleted! Don't delete an employee unless you entered them by mistake.
The right way to terminate an employee is not to delete that person's record in the PERS file, but rather to add a historical change to their employment status (a "movement") in the Employment history module, which contains the employee's history.
Input screen
To access the Person input screen:
- Data | Person from the main menu
- Person | Person navigation pane
See also
- Person selection dialog box
- Employment module
- Person reports available
- Configurable Person options
- Reference tables
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 09/26/21