This module updates most of the system's reference tables.
Reference tables are static lists of valid codes and what they mean. Reference table specify what codes are allowed in different places in the data base.
In other words, reference tables are used to validate values entered in the employee data windows. When you enter a value in a table-controlled field, the system presents you with a choice of pre-defined values in a drop-down list. This list comes from the reference table.
For example, when you enter an employee address in the Pers window, the province field is validated against the PROVINCE table.
Some reference tables are edited in the specialized windows; notably the department table (ENTITY), the JOB table, the RATE table and the stock schedules SCHED.
In a table-controlled field, you can right-click and select the Open table option to open the related table. Here is an example:
Input screen
To access the reference tables window:
Data | Tables... main menu
Administration | Tables navigation pane
Pop-up menu (right-click) in a control field To update table entries:
- Select the table to be modified.
- Add, delete or modify the records. The fields under the second tab will vary according to the table in question.
See these subtopics for a brief description of the various tables available to you, and how they are used.
- Table administration
- Use-When conditions
- TBL: ABSENCE - Absence reasons
- TBL: ACSTAT - Accident CSST or WCB status
- TBL: AMTOPT - Amount pay options
- TBL: APTYPE - Applicant Type
- TBL: ATYPE - Accident type
- TBL: BANKID - Canadian Banks
- TBL: BCAT - Benefit type or category
- TBL: BUDGET - Budget year and revision
- TBL: CARRADA - CARRA: Annual declaration
- TBL: CARRIER - Insurance Carrier
- TBL: CAUSE - Causes
- TBL: CITIZEN - Countries
- TBL: CITY - City
- TBL: CMA - Census Metropolitain Area
- TBL: COMBTYP - Requisition source
- TBL: COMPANY - Company (pay portal)
- TBL: COUADMISS - Admissible costs
- TBL: CPSTAT - Status sought by candidate
- TBL: CRTYPE - Course Type for SQDM
- TBL: CSSTCAT - CSST or WCB classification
- TBL: CSTAT - Candidate Status
- TBL: CURR - Currency
- TBL: CYCLE - Pay Cycle
- TBL: DATERULE - Date Rule
- TBL: DAYPART - Part of the day
- TBL: DAYTYPE - Shift
- TBL: DEDSTAT - Statutory Deductions
- TBL: DEPART - Departure Reason
- TBL: DPTYPE - Role (in relation to employee)
- TBL: ECLASS - Event Class
- TBL: EDUC - Education, Certtif
- TBL: EMPRNO - Rev Canada Business num (EI)
- TBL: ETATCIV - Marital Status
- TBL: ETYPE - Event Type
- TBL: EVAL - Evaluation
- TBL: FLAG - Flag- errors and follow-up
- TBL: GLGRP - GL group
- TBL: GRADE - Grade
- TBL: GRAVITY - Accident Severity Index
- TBL: HANDICAP - Handicap
- TBL: INJURY - Injury Type
- TBL: JACTION - Movement type
- TBL: JOBCAT - Job Category
- TBL: JOBTYPE - Job Type (SQDM)
- TBL: JSTAT - Employment status
- TBL: LANG - Language
- TBL: LEVEL - Skill level
- TBL: LICENSE - Driver licence class
- TBL: LIMB - Body Part
- TBL: LOCN - Location
- TBL: MEDIA - Publications
- TBL: MINORITY - Minority
- TBL: MISCBANK - Misc Bank Adjustments
- TBL: OPTION - Options for benefits
- TBL: PACTION - Position movement reason
- TBL: PAE1 - Que Equal Access Program (1)
- TBL: PAE2 - Que Equal Access Program (2)
- TBL: PAYCALC - Tax calculation method
- TBL: PAYGRP - Payroll Group
- TBL: PAYREAS - Reason for a pay code
- TBL: PERIOD - Pay period
- TBL: PHTYPE - Phone type
- TBL: POCC - Position: How occupied
- TBL: POSRC - Position source
- TBL: POSTAT - Position status
- TBL: POTYPE - Position Type
- TBL: PRIME - Premiums
- TBL: PROF - Professors
- TBL: PROFASS - Professional association
- TBL: PROJECT - Project
- TBL: PROVINCE - Province
- TBL: PSTAT - Personal status
- TBL: RELATN - Relation
- TBL: RELEVE1 - Relevé 1 box control
- TBL: RELEVE3 - Relevé 3 box control
- TBL: REOCCUR - Reccurence type
- TBL: RESOURCE - Resources
- TBL: RESP - Responsility
- TBL: ROEOTHER - ROE Other monies
- TBL: ROEREAS - R.O.E. departure reason
- TBL: ROOM - Room (Training, interviews)
- TBL: RQREAS - Reason for open job position
- TBL: RQSTAT - Requisition Status
- TBL: SCHOOL - School
- TBL: SENCAT - Seniority category
- TBL: SENRULE - Seniority Calculation Rules
- TBL: SEX - Sex
- TBL: SIC - Standard Industry Codes
- TBL: SKILL1 - Skill(1)
- TBL: SKILL2 - Skill(2)
- TBL: SKILL3 - Skill(3)
- TBL: SKILL4 - Skill(4)
- TBL: SKILLREQ - Skill importance
- TBL: SOURCE - Source
- TBL: STEPNM - Selection step names
- TBL: T4 - T4 box control
- TBL: T4A - T4A box control
- TBL: T5 - T5 box control
- TBL: TASK - Task
- TBL: TIMEBANK - Time Banks
- TBL: TIMEOPT - Hours Worked
- TBL: TIMETYPE - Attendance/Pay record type
- TBL: TLEVEL - Task complexity level
- TBL: TRACK - Career Track
- TBL: TRISK - Risk level
- TBL: TRNCOST - Training costs
- TBL: TSOURCE - Source for TIMEDT
- TBL: UNION - Union code
- TBL: WATCH - Dates to watch
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 06/22/21