TBL: CSSTCAT - CSST or WCB classification

This table defines different employee CNESST categories, and the CNESST rate paid.

CNESST = Commission des Normes de l'Equité et de la Santé et de la Sécurité au Travail. It is the workmans' compensation plan for Quebec. The name changed from CSST in 2016.

  • The CNESST rate an employer pays varies from one company to another, based on their past history, and from one year to another. If you operate in Quebec the CNESST will inform you each November what the CNESST rate is for the new year.
  • There is only an employer share; nothing is paid by the employee.
  • Starting in 2014, CNESST had to be remitted at the same time as provincial tax, typically for each pay period.

You only need to use this table if you have employees in Quebec, and have multiple CNESST rates which vary by the job (performed).

If you only have one CNESST rate

  • Often companies with different employee jobs will still be given a single combined CNESST rate for all employees. You account or paymaster will know.
  • In that case, forget the CSST table. Just put the CNESST rate in the CSST entry of the DEDSTAT table.

If you have multiple CNESST rates

  • You need to build this table and put update the rates each year.
  • For every JOB code (in the JOB table) you must specify the associated CSSTCAT (category), or leave it blank to use the DEFAULT category.

NOTE: At the present time, you need to calculate the CNESST amount using the CSST report, under REPORTS > HEALTH and SAFETY.


  • Look at the HELP (click the yellow "?") for the CSST DETAIL REPORT (under HEALTH AND SAFETY) for more info.

© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 04/19/21
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