TBL: PAYGRP - Payroll Group

Each PAY GROUP represents a different way of paying employees.

Each employee is assigned a single pay group.

You will want different pay groups

  • DIfferent pay cycles (weekly, biweekly, etc) or calendars
  • DIfferent net pay providers, such as CARVER, ADP, CERIDIAN, etc.
  • Different countries
  • Different intermediaries that pay employees or consultants for you

The PAYGRP code must be EXACTLY 4 CHARACTERS -- no more, no less. It is used as the first part of the pay period.



W=Weekly, B=Biweekly, S=Semi-monthly, M=Monthly

TBLC2 - Net pay system or provider:

CARVER or UMANA = Integrated net pay ADP CERIDIAN REM (MediSolution)


A filter expression which specifies when this code applies by default


Some one-letter codes. For now the only one used is

  • C = Consultant or contractor. -- This pay group NOT appear in payroll calendar.

    For consultant pay groups, the code should represent the consulting firm

TBLC5 - CARRA Calendar number

If you use CARRA (Quebec govt employee pension plan), then you need to go to the CARRA web site and determine which payroll calendar number applies to your calendar this year. Each calendar has a 2-digit number. Enter the appropriate number here.

NOTE: You will probably need to update this each year, after you have produced the CARRA annual declaration for the previous year.

© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 12/12/20
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