TBL: ECLASS - Event Class


Event class. Events are categorized by CLASS (ECLASS table) and TYPE (this ETYPE table). Every ETYPE must be within a unique ECLASS.


Every event is assigned a specific ECLASS and ETYPE within that class. You can create the ETYPEs and ECLASSes you need.

BUT...some ECLASSes are pre-defined in the system. You must not change these:

  • ABS : used for absence planning
  • TRAIN : used in the training module

TBLC4. Template of fields to be displayed on the 2nd page (tab) of the EVENT window. The data show on that tab will be stuffed into the EVENT.V_MORE field in the data base.

TBLC5. This controls the validation and label of the Dossier (V_CODES) field on the EVENT window.

You need to enter 3 separate items in this field here, on 3 separate lines

  1. (Optional) The TBLTYPE of the validation table. This creates a drop-down list of values to choose from
  2. The English label for the codes field in the EVENT window
  3. The French label for the codes field in the EVENT window

TBLC6. Contains labels for the V_AMT fields on the event window, on 2 lines

  1. English label
  2. French label

TBLC7. For absence (ABS) events, to have an approved absence transferr to the timesheet, put the TBLID of the ABSENCE code to convert it to.

© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 12/12/20
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