TBL: RELEVE1 - Relevé 1 box control
RELEVE1 table entries
This table has one entry for each box on the Relevé-1 form.
- It can also have "working calculation" boxes, which are intermediate results used in other boxes, but don't themselves appear on the form.
Each box has a CALCULATION RULE section, which tells Umana what to put in that box. Its is like a list of pay codes that apply.
Even if you don't use a particular box on the Relevé-1 form, if it is part of the report it must be in the RELEVE1 table or the report will crash.
If all boxes (excluding hidden boxes) yield a value of 0.00 for an employee, no Relevé-1 will be generated for them.
More info about the RL-1 form from Revenu Quebec
OTHER BOXES ("O" code)
See Revenu Quebec - other codes boxes
These boxes are have Umana codes of X1, X2, ... X9, XA, XB, ... In the description, put the 2-letter code in the first 2 positions, then a space, and then the title.
You only need to create "other info" entries in the RELEVE1 table for codes used at your company.
Name tab
RELEVE1 table -- Contains entries for each of the boxes on the Relevé-1 form.
The ID (code) for the different boxes is typically a single letter
The SORT field controls the order that the boxes are evaluated in. Lower values are evaluated first. This is important if the result of one box depends on the calculation in another.
- Use a 3-digit number.
Boxes starting with "0" -- i.e. numbers under 100 -- are HIDDEN boxes, used for intermediate calculations.
Additional Info tab
Box content type: (Usually) N=Numeric, or C=Character string
Contains one or more lines which indicate the codes to be accumulated into this box.
- Click the [ ] to open the contents.
- See T4 Calc Rules for a detailed explanation of what to put here.
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 04/17/21