TBL: CARRADA - CARRA: Annual declaration

CARRADA table -- Contains entries for each of the boxes on the CARRA form.

Even if you don't use a particular box on the CARRA form, if is part of the report it must be in the CARRADA table or the report will crash.


The ID (code) for the different boxes is typically a 2-digit figure with the box number. The "other information" boxes



Contains the type of data: N=Numeric, C=Character string (default)


(Click the checkbox to open the contents) Contains one or more lines which indicate the codes to be accumulated into this box (see below)

Each line contains either:

  • An asterisk followed by a comment, or

  • A tilde (~) followed by an expression to evaluate, or

    The expression can refer to:

  • BOX = the value of box id already calculated. E.g. BOX14, BOXUICBASE, etc.

  • loDEDSTAT. to have access to maximums and minimums, etc.

  • A series of 3 or 4 codes separated by semi-colons (;) and optionally preceded by a minus sign: [-] ;

    [-] A minus sign in front tells the T4 engine to SUBTRACT instead of ADD.

    is a single letter. The possibilities are

  • "H" (Earning code from TIMEOPT)

  • "R" (Earning code from AMTOPT)

  • "A" (Earning code from ABSENCE)

  • "P" (Earning code from PRIME)

  • "-" (Earning code from MISCBANK)

  • "E" (Any earning code subject to a specific tax -- see below)

  • "B" (Benefit)

  • "S" (Statutory deduction)

  • Leave it blank to mean ALL

  • With Type=E, put the statutory deduction (DEDSTAT) code here, and all earnings subject to that tax will be included. It is the TBLM1 of the earning code in TBL:TIMEOPT, TBL:ABSENCE, etc. that determine earnings are subject to what taxes.

    is the field extracted from PAYDT by INITNET1. Values allowed are

  • PD_AMTYTD (The amount earned, from TIMEDT)

  • PD_EPEYTD (The employee share paid)

  • PD_EPRYTD (The employeR share)

  • PD_BASEYTD (The employee earnings on which the calculation is based)

  • [PD_EPEADJ (The employee adjustment) <<== OBSOLETE]]

    For benefits (Type=B) you can also extract the taxable benefit from PD_TAXABLE by putting a DEDSTAT code. This extract the taxable benefit amount


    is either number or an expression. It is optional. This value represent the maximum (annual) amount, and is meant be used when the taxable amount (like UIC) has an annual maximum.

    It would normally be:

  • A number representing the maximum taxable amount

  • A property of loDedstat, such as: loDedstat.nUICmaxAdm (max admissible base) (The second option is better because it is automatically updated each year.)

    EXAMPLES BOX44 for union dues might contain:


    BOX56 for RQAP insurable earnings might contain:


© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 04/19/21
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