TBL: BANKID - Canadian Banks
Contains 3-digit Canadian bank ID numbers, as found on cheques Used for payroll direct deposit handling. Normally the BANKID table will be pre-loaded with all the codes you need.
NOTE: This table is NOT related to time banks. For that see the TIMEBANK table.
- Validation of employee bank account numbers (Pay-info window)
- Preparation of direct deposit bank files to transmit to your bank
You need to specify your company's bank in OPTIONS > NET PAY > BANK USED FOR DIRECT DEPOSITS
This will contain an entry from this BANKID table
TBLC1 - The Carver abbreviation for this bank
To prepare the direct deposit file, the export module adds DEPO in front of the abbreviation here and looks for a program with that name to do the final file formatting. For example, the abbreviation for Bank-of-Montreal is BMO, and DEPOBMO.PRG is required to format the direct deposit file sent to the bank of Montreal.
URL (web address) of web site to open where you can upload your file. After the file had been created, the direct deposit export program opens this URL in your browser so you upload your file.
See also
TBL: TIMEBANK - Time Banks© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 06/28/21