What is Umana?
Simply put, Umana is software to help you manage your company's employees, and ensure they are paid correctly.
That includes managing...
Employee Compensation, Benefits, Time banks, Training, Recruitment and Hiring, Employee training and Development, Employee and Labor relations, Health and Safety at work, and possibly Scheduling.
Including payroll
Payroll is a critical part of the process, and it's complicated.
Umana payroll assures the timely and accurate payment of employees for their work, taking deductions, producing pay stubs, reports, and files for direct deposits and remittances, and providing entries for your accounting system.
What is does: as a software
Firstly, Umana keeps lots of information — past and present — about your employees. Name, address, job, salary, benefit, time worked and paid, vacation sick banks, seniority, schedules, etc.
Secondly, it connects you and your employees to that information. (It can connect other systems of yours as well.) That connection might be using a computer, your phone or tablet via the web, to view and update that information.
Thirdly, it has lots of tools to use and maintain that data, to help you manage and pay your staff, and with other employee-related tasks, in a timely and accurate manner.
Umana consists of
- A data base, with information (data) about your employees (only). This data is unique to your company. Each company is separate.
- The Umana programs (software), to manage that data and do amazing things with it.
Sounds simple?
Yes it is, and no it isn't.
- It is really just a data base of employees and stuff about them. That concept is simple.
- But the devil is in the details : Your collective agreements, your rules, legal requirements, taxation, etc. They get complicated very quickly, and every company is different.
Do I need both HR and payroll?
No, but we strongly recommend it! More here
Where is it?
Umana can be run (hosted) on your company's computers, or you can have us host it for you, and access it in your browser. (The latter is known as SaaS = Software as as Service.)
If your company hosts it, the programs and data are stored in your own computers, managed and maintained by your computer (I.T.) department.
(Larger companies prefer this because it gives them full control.)
Otherwise it runs on a Carver Technologies computer in our data-center in Canada.
What's in the data base?
The data base holds information about your employees and your company policies, in shared secured files.
- It's your information, not ours, even if we host it.
Ready to learn more about the data base? Click here for the next topic of this Guided tour — The Data Base
Or, learn more about the programs here.
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 04/09/24