Control reports
All these reports are available under Print | Gross pay from the menu bar.
Unposted stuff from the timesheet
- Unposted Hours:
- Unposted batches
- Missing hours (2 versions)
Summary reports on transactions in Attendance detail (TIMEDT). For these reports, on the selection... form, check the Current transactions box and specify the end date in order to select transactions for the current period.
- Earnings per employee
- Earnings per option
- Earnings per project
- Earnings per service
- Earnings per employee and option
- Earnings for a counter
Detailed transaction reports – one at a time. For these reports, using the selection... you can search the transactions for a person in particular or for a category of transactions.
- Transactions per date
- Transactions per employee and date
- Duplicated transactions
- Transactions for counter
- Time per employee
- Time per department
Employee reports
- Employee info
- Time sheet
Another control item is the number of employees paid for a period compared to the preceding period. Here are two reports that will come in handy:
- Control report
- Movements (Print | Job from the menu bar) To make corrections to gross pay, use the Attendance detail window.
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 12/13/20