Hours.Decimals vs Hours:Minutes
Time units in Umana
In business, we usually track time in hours and minutes. For doing calculations, it is often easier to use hours and fractions, up to 4 decimals.
In Umana,
- A duration (hours worked) is usually stored in hours + decimals (2-4 decimals places).
- They are easier to total this way.
- Depending on your configuration, you might enter them as hours+minutes. Umana converts them to hours internally
- A time of the day is usually stored as hours : minutes in 24-hour format (00:00–23:59)
Umana rounds to the minutes
For example, if you enter 2.66 hours (= 2 hours + 40 minutes, and Umana will store it at 2.6667 hours.
That's the same as 2.67 hours! (Two ways of writing the same thing.)
So if you enter 2.66 hours... Umana will show it later as 2.67 hours.
The mathematics is that there are only 60 minutes in a hour, but with 2 decimals you have 100 different possible values. So 40 of the values 00-99 are redundant. There are 40 cases where this situation can happen.
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 05/25/21