T4 Reports
T4 Analysis Report
The Analysis report gives you a detailed list of everything that has been coded to appear in a box on the tax slip.
This example shows the detail of Box 14 for a specific employee. This can be used to balance to the payroll register.
T4 Analysis Summary
This report summarizes the totals per box by employer number.
T4 Control Report
The T4 Control Report gives you the totals for each box of the tax slip per employee. If any year end adjustments were made, they will be shown as well.
The important thing to verify is that there are no negative amounts for any employees.
T4 Complete
This report prints the complete T4 slip (form and data). You may select to see 1 or more employees. This report is used to print out the T4 slips to be handed out to your employees.
T4 data only or T4 on preprinted form
This report is used to produce the T4 slip data only. This report requires that blank preprinted government forms be correctly aligned on the printer to produce the tax slip.
T4 Page 1 only
This report prints only the 1st page of the T4 slip. It is used to verify that the boxes are printed correctly on the T4 slip.
For example, if additional boxes have been setup, this report will show them on the bottom half of the T4 slip. This will enable you to make sure that they are all there.
See also
Reports, imports and exports© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 01/12/23