Pay calendar

To access the Pay calendar, select Data | Net pay | Pay calendar... from the menu bar or click the button on the Payroll navigation pane.

Pay calendar

The left part of the window displays the list of existing payrolls.
The colours indicate the following:

Pay period created
Temporary net pay calculated (for one or more employees)
Pay finalized for one group of employees and calculated for another group
Temporary net pay cancelled
Net pay finalized (for one or more employees) Select a payroll to display its detail in the part on the right.


Click to display the available tools (see below)
Click  for the Generation of salaries.
Click  to display the "Net pay calculation" wizard.


The pay calendar is the starting point for payroll processing. Click to access the following operations:

Generation of salaries

Generation of salaries creates regular hours transactions in gross pay for employees – regular, recurring hours or amounts.

Cancellation of salaries

Cancellation of salaries deletes regular hours transactions created by the generation of salaries.

Calculation of temporary pay

This wizard calculates net pay. The results are saved in the TEMPPAY temporary file. This calculation takes into account the specific benefits and deductions of the employee's BENEFIT file and other parameters of the PRPAR payroll file. This operation is accessible via the pay calendar.

Cancellation of temporary pay

This operation undoes the Calculation of temporary pay and deletes the transactions created in the TEMPPAY temporary file.

Finalize temporary pay

This operation transfers the TEMPPAY temporary pay transactions to PAYDT net pay and marks the transactions in gross pay in order to save a history.

Cancellation of finalized pay

This operation deletes the net pay transactions of the PAYDT file and puts back the unprocessed gross pay transactions. (It does not recreate the temporary pay.)

Creation of the new year

This wizard creates a series of pay periods for a new year.

© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 04/03/21
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