The Schedules module is used to define fixed schedules and assign employees.
A schedule is a repeating pattern of days (typically a week), with a shift, a time interval, or day off for each day.
You might define only a few schedules, such as office schedule, evening schedule, etc. However, with rotating schedules, several schedules may be required for different teams.
Each schedule has a unique ID of up to 12 characters.
An employee can also have a personal schedule, unique to him. These schedules are kept in the same SCHED table, with an ID of the number-sign followed by his employee number. (Example: "#241")
A schedule is defined by rules (e.g. Monday to Friday) and exceptions (such as statutory holidays). For each date, the schedule specifies a shift (DAYTYPE) or an exception (statutory holiday).
Employees are assigned to a specific schedule in the Employment module.
Day types and shifts come from the DAYTYPE table. The data comes from the SCHED file, whose format is not directly accessible. To use the information from a schedule in a report or a selection, use the WKCAL function.
Input screen
To access the Standard schedule input screen:
Data | Schedule | Standard schedule main menu
Administration | Schedules navigation pane
See also
SCHED file fields
Schedules reports available
Employment module
Related tables
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 09/26/21