Terminate an employee: process
Our Company
Each company has its own termination procedures. Our termination procedures and policies. (terminer.htm)
These will include the recovery of company equipment (phones, laptops, tools, access keys, etc). They will also determine how benefits are handled at the end of employment....do they end the day prior to the last day, do they extend to end of the month, etc
Terminate their employment
The termination process in Umana starts with creating a new termination movement in the employee's Employment History.
- Select a movement code which changes their JSTAT (employment status). We call this a major movement as defined in the JACTION table because it affects the employee's status (JSTAT).
You may want to check the Effective at end of day. When you do, the movement date is the date entered (for selection on reports), but it is really effective as of midnight – i.e. the next day.
- Terminating an employee may also terminate their benefit coverage.
If your company uses Positions, the termination of the employee will also vacate the position they occupied.
Termination Wizard
The Termination Wizard is used to close the employee's time banks, such as the vacation bank, and to calculate any amounts due. The Wizard will also create the payout transaction in Attendance Detail.
To access Top menu bar > Tools > Wizards > Time banks: Close out or pay
ROE Record of Employment
You will also need to issue an ROE for the terminated employee. To access Top menu bar > Tools > Wizards > ROE Record of employment
The ROE's can be run for one employee or a group of employees that meet a certain criteria (for example in a mass layoff)
Mass Change Wizard
The Mass Change Wizard can be used to terminate a group of employees that meet a certain criteria (for example in a mass layoff)
To access Top menu bar > Tools > Wizards > Employment: Mass change
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 07/16/21