Hire an employee: process
Your company
Each company has its own hiring procedures. Our hiring procedures and policies. (embaucher.htm)
Add the Employee
These are the basic steps
- Create the employee in the PERSon window.
- Create a "hire" movement in the JOBHIST (employment) window.
- Add payroll information (if you use Umana net pay)
1. Person (PERS) window
Create a new record in this module for a new employee. Enter the employee's personal information such as name, address, date of birth, etc.
During this process, a unique ID number is assigned to the employee, either by you, or automatically by the system.
When you first create the PERS record, the employee will be inactive until you create the HIRE record in the employment history module.
2. Employment history (JOBHIST) window
Enter a new hire movement in the JOBHIST module, with the date, the employee's status: department, job title, salary, etc.
- This information automatically populates the PERS record.
If this is a rehire...
- ...select the employee's old number to view his past history. The last movement will be the employee's previous departure. Now add a new movement with their rehire date and data: status, department, job title, salary, etc.
You may want to attach documents to the movement: Confidentiality agreement; letter of offer and acceptance, etc.
3. Payroll info window
(If you use Umana net pay) Enter all the information required for payroll, such as bank account number (for direct deposit), deductions and tax credits, etc. into Payroll info. This operation can be done by your Payroll department.
Optional information
Here are some other types of information you can enter in Umana:
Medical file module
Enter all relevant information into the employee's medical file, which is part of the Health and safety module.
- Information on the emergency contact person such as name, telephone number, etc. are found under the Emergency tab of the
Person module , which also allows access to the medical file.
Skills module
Enter the information on the employee's educational background such as education, degrees, schools, etc. via the Seniority tab of the Person module, which also allows access to the Skills development module.
- Depending on the new employee's status and job title, he/she could require orientation or training. Enter information on the skills to be acquired via the Targets table of the
Person module, which also allows access to the Skills development module.
Benefits module
Via this module, enter the information on the benefits and deductions the employee is entitled to upon hire.
- Some benefits will be added automatically (depending on how you have them configured.) Benefits with a waiting period can be added with a future date (if known), or an empty date, to indicate the employee is still in waiting period.
- Other benefit may be optional, and you will want to talk to the employee about them.
You can also enter information on the employee's dependants, such as name of spouse, children, etc. via the Benefits module.
Other requirements
Equipment needs
Data entry is only one step in the hiring procedures. Each new employee may require material resources. It is rarely up to human resources to see to these material requirements. This is why coordination is essential. For example, the new employee could require the following:
- An office and a phone
- A computer and network access code
- Badge
- Parking space
- Uniform
- Business card
- Etc.
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 06/30/21