One bank, different: balances

What is my bank balance?

It may seem surprising that this question can have multiple answers.

It's like your chequing account:

  • You have a current balance in your account
  • Your available balance might be different due to deposits on hold
  • And you have outstanding cheques too, which reduce your balance

You Umana vacation bank has different balances too

  • Your current balance of hours: deposited less taken, to date
  • Timesheet hours entered. They effectively reduce the available balance
  • Planned absences reduces your balance available for making (more) vacation requests, but it doesn't affect your abililty to enter it in the timesheet. And there is a difference between approved vs unapproved absences.

What you see where

All bank balances follow the same rules - not only leave balance.

  1. When you see the balances from timesheets the system shows a picture of what the balances would be if all timesheet entries were posted. This is more a preview because we don't know if all those entries will be posted.

(Then, when you drill down for details on this preview it will show only numbers from details existing in Attendance - maybe this is not perfect)

  1. When you see the balances from time banks screen you see the real balance based on entries posted and any other related entries present in Attendance detail.

  2. When you see balances from Employment screen you can choose the "timesheets way" or the "time banks way" by replying Yes / No.

  3. To see entries / batches not posted you can print reports available in the Reports | Gross pay section

© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 05/28/21
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