Retroactive pay

TOM Please review

Access the Retroactive Pay wizard via:

the main menu Tools | Wizards | Retroactive Pay... Transactions are added for retroactive pay in four steps:

Employee Selection

  • Select the I will select employees manually option to access the list of selected people, which will allow the manual selection of participants.
  • Select the Select all the employees meeting the conditions below option to access the list of people who meet the stated criteria. Using the dropdown menus, specify one or more criteria to track down employees to be selected:
  • Responsibility centre (ENTITY1 and ENTITY2)
  • Employment status
  • Personal status
  • Job
  • Category
  • Pay group of the employees. Check:
  • Employee's permanent status: to limit the list to employees whose status is permanent.
  • Today: to specify that the employee must meet the criteria stipulated as of today's date.
  • Date originally paid: to specify that the employee must meet the criteria stipulated as of the date the amounts were paid to him.
  • Additional criteria: You can program additional criteria using the Expressions Generator. Click  if you want to cancel a previous retroactive pay. Click  the user accesses the list of people selected based on the criteria defined.

List of people selected

Transactions to review

This screen identifies which transactions to use on which to base the retro.

  • specify the dates of the period to review

  • specify the transactions types from below (one or all)
    * A absences
    * B benefit
    * H hours worked
    * P premium
    * R Dollars only
    * S statutory deduction

  • specify the options - basically on what type of earnings to base the retro. Choose from the various categories of earnings.

  • specify where worked - if the retro applies to one or more depts.

  • specify work performed - if the retro applies to one or more particular jobs

  • additional transaction selection criteria - you may create an expression to further define on what to base the retro.

Calculate retro amount

Specify the method for calculating the retro amount. It can be

  • a fixed amount per hour, indicate the hourly rate
  • the difference between the rate paid and the employee's current rate
  • a fixed amount per person, indicate the dollar amount.

The system will show how many transactions it will create and the total retro $$.
You can then choose to view the totals per employee or the total for one particular employee.

How to create the retro transactions

These are the options to create the retro gross pay transactions.

  • what pay code to use
  • what dept to assign
  • the transaction date
  • what project to associate with the retro

Create transactions in gross pay

Press FINISH to create the transactions in the Attendance Detail screen for the employees selected.
The system will confirm the number of transactions created, for how many people and the total amount paid.

The individual transactions may be viewed in the employee's Attendance Detail screen.

© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 06/25/21
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