Implementing Umana


This topic about the processes of implementing Umana.

You probably already have an HR and a payroll system. It pays your employees, probably doesn't do everything you want it to do. (That's why you bought Umana, right?)

Implementing Umana happens when you know the least about Umana — but the moment when you need to know the most (to choose the best approach).
It's ironic, but don't be discouraged. We are here to help, and we never fail !

Take Little Steps

For example, implement one employee group at a time. Maybe union employees first (usually the more complicated ones), or maybe your white collar workers first (to get used to Umana).

Sometimes you can implement modules in phases too.

  • Usually you need to implement all payroll-related modules at once.
  • But HR functions (attendance planning, for example) are often less inter-dependent.
  • Maybe implement employee self-service later.

There are no hard and fast rules. Just do it in little steps.

Main Phases

First step back and figure where you are going. Make a plan. Don't worry; we will work with you ensure the implementation is a success. In fact, that's the first step.

1. Project kick-off

1a. Select your implementation team

You need committed in-house staff, knowledgeable about your rules and processes. They project leader should be committed to the project from start to finish.

  • Pick people who are comfortable with new technology. Even better if they also have experience in implementing systems. Strong, honest, competent, committed people.

  • They need to know that they have the mandate for implementing Umana, and are committed and have the time reserved.

  • Your present HR and Payroll directors need to be involved, though not necessarily full time.

  • Change management is important. Human beings are naturally resistant to change (some more than others). Don't be surprised.

1b. Initial training

Next, we give your project leads an overview of Umana — the basic concepts and the underlying philosophy.

  • This training will not go into detail of specific modules. We don't want your trainees overwhelmed. (Give people too much information, and they'll retain none.)
  • Later you'll get detailed module-specific JIT training. (JIT = Just-In-Time training.)

1c. Make a plan

  • Decide which modules you want to implement when.
  • Decide which employee groups to implement first.
  • Examine the problem areas: Limitations of your existing process to you want to improve. Look for your biggest headaches and time-wasters.
  • Set timelines and people involved. Make them realistic, and don't forget vacations and holidays.
  • Don't plan to go live January 1 (of any year — unless you enjoy working on Christmas day and new year's eve).

Steps for each module / group implemented
  • These are steps we typically use to implement the payroll module.
  • They are not hard-and-fast rules, but meant to give you a starting point.

2. Do an analysis  

(Done jointly with the Carver implementation team.)

Document your company rules. What Umana should do in the this module for this employee group?

  • For some modules, it might be best to analyze all employee groups up front.

  • You will run into some disagreements. Maybe current practices do not match your collective agreement. Maybe what you are doing currently does not meet labor standards. Maybe the collective agreement is ambiguous. Watch out for the edge cases and the combinations you don't expect to find.

Make sure you agree on the rules before the moving ahead.

3. Build your codes and rules  

This is the company part of your data base.

  • Almost all of the codes in Umana are configurable. You may want to keep some of your existing codes, or maybe not.

  • The rules tend to be more complicated. Some will required entering expressions and maybe even custom code, if they are complex

Create a few dummy "test" employees to test your rules.

4. Load employee data from your old system  

This is the employee part of your data base.

We have tools to help you. But it is not always a perfect process; the results may need some tweaking. Record your process (or automate it); you will probably need to do it again.

This might be done in your TEST environment — especially if it is not your first module/group implemented.

5. Test! Test! Test!  

  1. First test it yourself. Make sure all your rules are in place. Compare it to your existing system.

  2. Then get some beta testers and do parallel testing. Go through at 1 or 2 pay cycles.

For each of these steps, when you find a problem, go back and fix it before continuing.

6. Go live; all users  

You will need to copy your rules from your TEST environment to PROD. You may also have to reconvert employee-data which has gone stale during the testing.

And make sure you keep checking extra carefully, because you might have missed something.


© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 03/31/24
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