Overview of Umana Modules
Umana consists of many modules. Since a module may be difficult to categorize, it may appear in more than one list below.
These modules are available by selecting Data from the top-menu bar or from the Side menu bar.
Person – Basic Employee Information
- Person - (PERS) The employee's personal information: name, address, birth date, etc.
- Employment history The employee's current status and a history of his status changes over time. Status changes are called movements.
- Medical file - His medical file and his emergency contacts
- Skills - His training, degrees, career before being hired, etc.
- Dependants - His dependants
- Payroll info - His deductions, bank accounts
Company – Codes, plans, rules and policies
Reference tables – Various reference tables, data tables
Organizational structure - Organizational structure of the main structure (ENTITY1)
Jobs - Job titles in the company
Positions - Occupied and vacant chairs
Options - System settings.
Users - Security control and access rights
- Remuneration plans - Plans and rules
- Rates table - Keys and rates
Time banks - Plans and enrollments
Benefits - Plans and enrollments
Attendance and pay
- Time sheets - Input of hours worked, hours absent, etc.
- Time banks - Plans and enrollments
- Gross pay and attendance detail - Gross pay transactions, presences and absences
- Benefits - Plans and enrollments
- Net pay calendar - Periods of net pay
- Payroll processing - Steps for the generation, calculation and final processing of the payroll
- Details of net pay - On-screen pay stubs
- Employee payroll info - Basic deductions, bank accounts
- Pay interfaces - Exporting to an external pay system
- Counters- The rules for filtering and totaling earnings
Planning and Scheduling
- Schedules - Stock work schedules (Repeating patterns)
- Work Planner
- Events - Information on grievances, disciplinary measures, performance appraisal and other events.
- Accidents and incidents - Information on accident reports
- Training - Enrollments of employees in training given at the company
Health and safety
- Medical file - Medical information and emergency contacts
- Accidents and incidents - Information on accident reports
Skills development
- Position opening - Definition of position openings
- Candidates - Bank of internal and external candidates
- Selection process - Criteria for and selection of a candidate for a position opening
Management tools
- Alarms - Definition of alarms, actions to take
- Mass updates - Movements affecting a group of employees
- Options - System configuration
- User - Security controls and access rights
- Expressions generator - Construction of expressions for a report, a selection, a calculation
- Reports- Creation and modification of your reports
- Imports and exports - Data transfer
- Counters - Rules for filtering and totaling transactions
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 09/26/21