Please read about Remuneration Concepts
The Remuneration module provides hourly rates, salaries, etc. to the Employment (JOBHIST) module and the Gross pay (TIMEDT) module in accordance with company rules and pay scales.
The remuneration module itself maintains rates and rules based on your collective agreements. It does not store information about individual employees.
Since it is used internally mostly, you won't often use it directly. But you will need to keep it up to date.
- See Remuneration: Designing your RATE table for an in-depth explanation. Usually your RATE table will be built by the Umana installation.
How it works
To obtain a rate for an employee, there are 3 steps:
- Using information about the employee (and maybe the job performed), build a RATEID, which determines the row in the rate table.
- Select the series of rates for the date requested. Each row has a series of rates effective on a specific date.
- Finds the appropriate Remuneration plan, which tell it which column(s) in the RATE table rate contain the information required.
It then returns the resulting rate to the requesting module.
The Remuneration module keeps rates and rules in 4 places
- RATE – the rates table This is the one you will need to update regularly.
- RPLAN, – the remuneration plans, which define how the rate table columns are interpreted
- JOB – the jobs table
- OPTIONS – See Admin > Options > Remuneration
Input screens
To access the Remuneration plans input screen:
Data | Benefits | Plans... main menu
Administration | Remuneration navigation pane
To access the rates table input screen:
Data | Remuneration | Rates... main menu
Administration | Rates navigation pane
To access the Jobs input screen:
Data | Remuneration | Jobs... main menu
Administration | Jobs navigation pane
See also
Remuneration: Concepts | Remuneration: Building your RATE table | Remuneration plans | Remuneration fields on JOBHIST |© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 09/07/21