Cost-of-living increases
1. Update your rates table.
The rates table is dated. It can contain past, present and future rates. Add the new rates on the applicable date first.
You can do it • manually in the rates window,
or • import them from Excel, effective on the new date.
- Create the Excel file using Umana.
To view the proper column headings, you can either export the current year from the rate table, or open the Import window, select Rate table (RATE), and click on Sample Input File - Enter the new rate into the Excel sheet.
Remember to correct the effective date or remove that column altogether. - Import the Excel file into Umana to create new movements. To import it go to Top-menu > Import > Rate table (RATE)
- See also Exporting and importing with "Excel"
2. Apply new rates (raises) to employees
The Apply New Rates wizard creates an increase (movement in JOBHIST) for different employees.
To find it, open your rate table and click on the TOOLS icon.
3. Retroactive increases
A collective agreement normally lasts a few years, with regular increases.
If the new collective agree is signed late, the increases may be back-dated, and employees may be due a retroactive payment — a lump sum amount of missed earnings from the effective date of the increase.
© Carver Technologies, 2024 • Updated: 08/21/22